
Health & Safety Consultancy

All organisations have management processes or arrangements to deal with payroll, personnel issues, finance and quality control - managing health and safety is no different.

The Management of Health and Safety at Work Regulations (MHSWR) 1999 require employers to put in place arrangements to control health and safety risks. As a minimum, you should have the processes and procedures required to meet the legal requirements, including:

  • A written health and safety policy (if you employ five or more people)
  • Assessments of the risks to employees, contractors, customers, partners, and any other people who could be affected by your activities - and record the significant findings in writing (if you employ five or more people). Any risk assessment must be 'suitable and sufficient'
  • Arrangements for the effective planning, organisation, control, monitoring and review of the preventive and protective measures that come from risk assessment
  • Access to competent health and safety advice
  • Providing employees with information about the risks in your workplace and how they are protected
  • Instruction and training for employees in how to deal with the risks
  • Ensuring there is adequate and appropriate supervision in place
  • Consulting with employees about their risks at work and current preventive and protective measures

Cliffen Consultancy has a nationwide network of Health and Safety Consultants

The simplest, most cost-effective way to ensure that your business is complying with the law is to have expert help whenever needed.

Our network of Health & Safety professionals can help you to:

  • Create a safe workplace for staff and visitors.
  • Reduce your Health & Safety expenditure.
  • Be compliant with all the relevant Health & Safety laws.
  • Write your Health & Safety policy, or review an existing one to ensure it is up-to-date.
  • Carry out thorough workplace inspections, and provide practical advice on achieving compliance.
  • Conduct a full audit of your business and workplace to verify that your health and safety practices are correct.
  • Carry out risk assessments for your business
  • Carry out appropriate training.
  • Work closely with your team to create a tailored Health & safety manual.
  • Increase productivity through reduced employee sickness and injury.

Many of our consultants are available to assume the role of your ‘competent health and safety person’ as required by law.

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